Meerkat Class

Welcome to Meerkat Class


We are a Year 4 class. Miss Egleton and Miss C Smith teach our class and are supported by Miss Vettese.

Welcome to the new academic year! What an exciting start it has been already. We have begun our learning journey with real enthusiasm and the children have shown excellent learning behaviours from the very start. We will continue to provide an engaging curriculum where all children in our class learn and make excellent progress.

Please join our community on ClassDojo!

We are using ClassDojo to communicate with parents this year. Please download the app and enter the invitation code which has been sent home with your child. Once you’ve downloaded the ClassDojo app you can open and select ‘Parent’ and enter the code to set up your child’s account.
This term our topic is: The Mayans!

In Science we are learning about: Solids, liquids and gases.

P.E is on a Monday and Thursday. The children will need to ensure they have the appropriate kit for these days.

The children will need to ensure they have the appropriate kit for these days.
In Meerkats, we are encouraging the children to read five times a week. Please record in your child’s diary when they have read. The children are working towards a half-term reward if they read five times every week.
We are also working hard on our time tables during Fast Maths. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables.
We want to continue to work closely with our parents to support the children. Please do come and see us if you have any concerns or questions.

Ask your child about “Secret Student” – our exciting initiative to promote collective responsibility!

Meerkat Homework Checklist:

Every Friday the children will be given a new piece of English Homework, from their CPG book. This Homework needs to be handed in by the following Friday.

Every Friday the children will be asked to complete a page from their CPG brown Maths book. This needs to be handed in by the following Friday.

Every Friday the children will be given a new list of Spellings. These will be tested on the following Friday.

The children will be tested on their Times Tables on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – they will be told which Times Table they need to learn next.

Take part in the Reading Challenge! – Read and record 5 times a week in your child’s Reading Record Book in order that they qualify for the special event at the end of each half term!

If your child is finding their homework difficult please encourage them to tell us and we will be able to help them.

We are looking forward to an exciting year in Meerkat Class!
